About kate

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud kate contributed a whooping 4 entries.

Entries by kate

Psychiatric Medications – Only one Tool in the Treatment Toolbox

In the treatment of psychiatric disorders, medication is only one part of a treatment plan. Medications can be very helpful in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as bipolar disorders and psychotic disorders. Medications that are appropriately prescribed and monitored by a psychiatric mental health provider provide an important role but psychotherapy as […]

Stresses on Teens in Today’s World

Today’s teens are faced with many stresses that other generations have not experienced. Often, the demands on teens can be overwhelming. Social media posts can lead to feelings of inadequacy or low self esteem. It may seem as if everyone else is doing better than the teen who’s reading the post.  It’s well known that […]

EMDR: What is it and How can it help you?

EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a non-invasive therapy approach in which early memories or incidents that are held in the nervous system are processed. The therapist and the client identify a difficult or traumatic memory or incident that is still impacting the client in the present and the memory or incident is […]

Loss of A Beloved Pet

The loss of a pet can be devastating. Animals love us wholeheartedly – something that we cannot find often in human relationships. The connection between a human and an animal is profound. We feel connected and loved. Losing that relationship can be an agonizing experience and often the loss is not validated by others who […]